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巴萨重返积分榜榜首 皇马BBC20145年集体陷低迷

Barcelona return to the top of the standings, Real Madrid BBC20145

2015-03-09 09:38:31来源: 中国新闻网

皇马不敌毕尔巴鄂 广州日报讯 (记者 周婉琪) 北京时间昨晚,巴塞罗那在西甲第26轮的比赛中主场以6比1大胜巴列卡诺。由于皇马本轮在客场以0比1不敌毕尔巴鄂,连续两轮不胜,巴萨成功超过皇马1分,...

Real Madrid lost to Bilbao Guangzhou Daily News (reporter Zhou Wanqi) Beijing last night, Barcelona La Liga 26 game at home 6-1 victory over Rayo Vallecano. Since the current round of the Madrid lost 1-0 away to Bilbao, numerous consecutive rounds, Barcelona success over Real Madrid 1 minute, ...