新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国际幸福日“早下班一小时”公益行动启动


International Day of happiness "off early hour" public action to start

2015-03-21 00:21:11来源: 人民网

新华网北京3月20日电(记者张源培)由《中国经济周刊》、中国经济研究院联合发起的国际幸福日“早下班一小时”公益行动20日在北京启动。 今年3月20日是联合国确定的第三个“国际幸福日”。 《中国经济周刊》副总编辑杨眉说,“早下班一小时”公益行动旨在反思现代人工作与生活的失衡状态,呼...

xinhuanet.com Beijing on 20 March, (reporter Zhang Yuanpei) by the "China Economic Weekly", China Economic Research Institute Co sponsored the international day of happiness "off early hour" action in the interest of the public in Beijing 20 days to start. In March 20th this year the United Nations as the third "international day of happiness". "China Economic Weekly" deputy editor in chief Yang Mei said, "a state of imbalance had work an hour" campaign aims to reflect modern work and life, call...