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延续前辈经典设计 HTC One M9拆机组图

Continue predecessors HTC classic design One M9

2015-04-07 06:46:23来源: 中关村在线

HTC One M9外形延续了之前HTC One经典外形设计,依旧采用金属材质,整机拥有不错的机身触感。不过,其配置方面有着明显提高,搭载高通骁龙810处理器,为该机配置了强劲动力。2000万像素的...

shape the continuation of the previous HTC One classic design, is made of metal material, the machine has a good body touch. However, its configuration is improved obviously, powered by Qualcomm snapdragon 810 processor, equipped with a strong driving force for the machine. 20000000 pixels...