新关注 > 信息聚合 > 海口市美兰区公开招聘幼儿教师18名 园长4名

海口市美兰区公开招聘幼儿教师18名 园长4名

Meilan District, Haikou City, the open recruitment of teachers 4 months in Nanhai network 18 directors four

2015-04-09 22:38:26来源: 南海网

南海网海口4月9日消息(南海网记者 符玲 实习生 潘春连)4月8日,南海网记者从海南省考试局获悉,根据海口市美兰区学前教育情况,区政府决定公开招聘18名幼儿教师,4名园长。 其中灵山镇中心幼儿园...

Haikou 9 news (Nanhai network reporter Fu Ling Intern Pan Chunlian on April 8, Nanhai network reporter from the Hainan Provincial Examination Bureau was informed that, according to Meilan District, Haikou City, pre-school education, the District government decided to open recruitment of 18 children teachers, four principal. Where the center of the kindergarten in Lingshan...