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更便携更实用 热门商务微型投影机采购

More and more portable practical popular business micro projector procurement

2015-08-18 22:22:04来源: IT168

【IT168 导购】对于一些需要经常接触客户,为甲方大佬讲解方案的白领一族而言,背着沉重的行李穿梭于客户之间无疑是家常便饭。在这劳心劳神的出差途中,任何可以减轻行李箱重量的东西都将让他们疲惫的身心得...

[IT168 guide] for some of the need for regular contact with customers, for the party chiefs to explain scheme of white-collar gens, carrying heavy luggage shuttle in between the client undoubtedly is the norm. In this painstaking trouble any business trip, can reduce the weight of the luggage things will let them exhausted body and mind...