新关注 > 信息聚合 > 贵州外援入选波兰国家队,联袂莱万战欧预赛


Guizhou foreign aid to be selected for the Polish national team. On May 25 local time European Championship qualifier

2015-05-26 10:48:11来源: 华体网

当地时间5月25日,波兰足协公布了最新一期国家队的海外球员名单,贵州茅台外援马辛斯基再次入选。 为备战6月13日与格鲁吉亚的欧预赛以及16日与希腊的热身赛,波兰国家队主帅纳瓦尔卡率先公布了入选这两场比赛的海外球员名单。值得一提的是,贵州外援马辛斯基在欧预赛小组赛第3轮波兰主场2-2战平...

jointly levan war, Poland Football Association announced the list of the latest issue of the national team players from overseas, Guizhou Maotai foreign aid magdzinski again selected. For preparing for the June 13 and Georgia's European Championship qualifier and 16 and Greece's warm-up match, the Polish national team coach Nawal C first announced the list of selected these two competition's overseas players. It is worth mentioning that, Guizhou foreign aid Marcin J Ki in the qualifying group stage third round draw with Poland home court 2-2...