新关注 > 信息聚合 > 甘肃省大学生征兵工作全面启动 实行网上报名

甘肃省大学生征兵工作全面启动 实行网上报名

College students in Gansu Province conscription work started the implementation of online registration

2015-05-29 08:22:58来源: 甘肃新闻网

甘肃新闻网兰州5月29日电 据兰州晚报报道:记者昨日从全省大学生征兵工作电视电话会议上了解到,我省将于6月1日前展开大学生征集工作,开辟绿色通道,力争在高校毕业生离校前完成体检、政治考核和预定兵。征...

Gansu news Lanzhou 5 month 29 Lanzhou Evening News reported: yesterday, the reporter learned from the provincial college student conscription work in television and telephone conference, our province will on June 1 recently launched college collection, open up the green channel, and strive to complete the examination, political assessment and scheduled soldiers before leaving for college graduates. Sign...