新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《口袋妖怪3D》安卓版正式上线 4399首发下载

《口袋妖怪3D》安卓版正式上线 4399首发下载

"Pokemon 3D" Android version officially launched 4399 first download the

2014-09-28 16:07:03来源: 4399

导语:国民级的3D宠物对战手游《口袋妖怪之神奇宝贝3D》终于上线了,于9月28日在安卓平台正式上架,多家主流媒体和安卓平台全方位大力支持 【口袋妖怪3D安卓版下载地址:http://a.4399....

Intro: national level 3D battle Mobile Games "Pokemon of 3D magic" finally online, officially the new shelves on the Android platform in September 28th, many mainstream media and the Android platform all-round support [Pokemon 3D Android download the address: http://a.4399....

标签: 安卓