新关注 > 信息聚合 > 人气始终居高不下的文玩大集结


Popular high text always play big build

2016-03-02 12:37:10来源: 新浪

娱乐圈里有长盛不衰的男女明星,咱文玩圈里也有始终居高不下的人气王,快看看自己的手里有没有~ 沉香 沉香是我国中药史上的瑰宝,《本草纲目》记载其:“味辛,微温,无毒。有降气、纳肾温中、清肝之功效...

Entertainment, there are men and women enduring stars, circles, text to play we have always been high in the popularity of the king, quick look at his hands - there is no incense incense is the treasure of traditional Chinese medicine in the history of the "Compendium of Materia Medica" records it:. "spicy, slightly warm, non-toxic and have lower gas, the temperature in the kidney, Liver effect of ...