新关注 > 信息聚合 > 颠覆传统笔记本 青春小蓝Ⅱ京东众筹上线

颠覆传统笔记本 青春小蓝Ⅱ京东众筹上线

Subversion of the traditional notebook Youth Blue II Jingdong all on-line to raise

2015-08-24 11:00:16来源: 中关村在线

8月24日上午10点,青春小蓝Ⅱ零闪屏办公平板电脑京东众筹正式上线。此次众筹包括了11.6英寸的小蓝Ⅱ和12.2英寸的小蓝II Pro两款产品。作为移动办公平板电脑的开创者和倡导者,青春小蓝旨在为用...

8 April 24 at 10 o'clock in the morning, the Youth Blue II zero flash screen Tablet PC office Jingdong all raise formally launched. The congregation raised include blue 11.6 inch and 12.2 inch Blue II II Pro two products. As a pioneer and advocate of mobile office tablet computer, the youth to use blue...

标签: 京东 众筹