新关注 > 信息聚合 > 全国中学生在汉“模联”讨论国际性议题


National middle school students in the Han "die together" discuss international issues

2015-08-09 06:16:35来源: 长江网

“模联”大会上,各地代表争相发言记者任勇 摄(实习生 涂存) 长江日报讯(记者刘嘉)6日下午,武汉外国语学校阶梯教室里,70余名身着正装的“国家代表”正认真讨论“如何从立法角度消除国际恐怖主义”...

"mode Union conference, representatives from different parts of the country eager to speak reporter Ren Yong perturbation (Intern coating preservation) and Changjiang Daily News (reporter Liu) 6 pm, Wuhan foreign languages school classrooms ladder, more than 70 dressed in suits" on behalf of the state "is a serious discussion how to from the perspective of legislation to eliminate international terrorism"...