新关注 > 信息聚合 > 三星掰弯京东Galaxy S6和S6 edge预售玩大了

三星掰弯京东Galaxy S6和S6 edge预售玩大了

Samsung breaking bend Jingdong Galaxy S6 and S6 edge pre-sale play big

2015-04-03 19:33:13来源: 天极网

三星电子携Galaxy S6 & S6 edge两款旗舰手机在两天前31日正式亮相国内,超强质感的工艺材质,性能强劲的硬件配置及新颖巧妙的贴心功能,有没有撼动你脆弱的小心脏?三星绝不会让迫不及待的你...

Samsung Electronics carrying Galaxy S6 & S6 edge two flagship phone in two days ago 31 officially unveiled the domestic, superior texture of the material and craft, the strong performance of the hardware configuration and the novel and ingenious intimate functions. Do you have to shake your fragile heart? Samsung won't let you...

标签: 京东 三星