新关注 > 信息聚合 > 监管态度转变 P2P第三方托管现生机

监管态度转变 P2P第三方托管现生机

Regulatory attitude change P2P third party hosting is the vitality

2014-12-08 15:57:01来源: 新浪

11月下旬,在接受时代周报记者采访时,易宝支付CEO唐彬透露,“今年初,监管层曾不太赞成第三方支付机构涉足此业务,但现在态度转变了”。 在监管层人士多次公开表态之后,“P2P资金由第三方托管”已...

11 month, times weekly in an interview with reporters, Yi Bao paid CEO Tang Bin said, "at the beginning of this year, regulators have not in favor of the third party payment mechanism involved in this business, but now a change in attitude". After regulators have repeatedly stated publicly, "P2P funds by the third party hosting" has...