新关注 > 信息聚合 > 长沙:凯美瑞最高优惠2.6万元 售17.68万起

长沙:凯美瑞最高优惠2.6万元 售17.68万起

Changsha: highest preferential Camry 2.6 million sale of 17.68 million

2015-02-27 16:36:11来源: 中国新闻网

近日,编辑从长沙地区广汽丰田4S店了解到,凯美瑞最高优惠2.6万元,感兴趣的朋友请致电经销商详询。详情见下表: 凯美瑞最新价格变化表 车型指导价(万元)现价(万元)优惠幅度优惠比例 2015款...

, editors from Changsha Toyota Camry 4S stores to understand, Camry highest preferential 26000 yuan, are interested friends please contact the dealer for enquiry. For details, see the following table: Camry the latest price change table model guidance price (million) price (yuan) discount rate discount ratio 2015 models.