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全球零部件企业 上海车展使出“浑身解数”

Shanghai auto parts enterprise global resorted to "use all one's skill"

2015-04-29 09:52:02来源: 中国新闻网

博世 本届上海车展上,博世携一系列互联化、自动化、电气化的智能交通技术亮相,践行“科技成就生活之美”的品牌承诺。 硬件方面,博世多样化的传感器技术可收集必要的车辆周围环境信息,为互联技术在智...

Bosch the Shanghai auto show, Bosch carrying a series of interconnected, automation, electrical intelligent transportation technology appearance, the practice of "scientific and technological achievements of the beauty of life" brand promise. In terms of hardware, sensor technology Bosch diversification can collect necessary information for vehicle environment, Internet technology in chile...