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足球梦小小彬助阵迷你彬 联手战韩国

Football dream little bin Back Mini bin jointly and Korea

2014-08-09 11:10:20来源: 中国青年网

迷你彬训练图片 小小彬、迷你彬精彩抢球 经过了三个月的训练,本周六《足球梦》梦想队终于迎来与韩国代表队的首场比赛。为了全力备战这场中韩荣誉之战,迷你彬的哥哥小小彬也特地前来助阵,两兄弟强强联手...

Mini bin training picture little bin, mini bin wonderful ball after three months of training, the "dream team" Saturday football dream finally ushered in with the Korean team's first match. In order to fully prepare for the field between China and Korea honor war, mini bin brother little bin also came to help out, the two brothers strong combination...