新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015年河南高考时间安排


Publish 2015 Henan college entrance examination time arrangement

2015-05-28 12:01:47来源: 中国教育在线

河南省教育厅发布《关于做好2015年普通高等学校招生工作的通知》,对2015年普通高招的各项工作进行了具体部署和安排科目及时间安排基本没有变化。 时间/科目9:00—11:3015:00—17:0...

in Henan Province Department of education "good on the 2015 general higher school enrollment notice", to 2015 the average merit of the work were specific deploy and arrangement of subjects and time arrangement did not change basically. Time / subject 11:3015:00 - 17:0 - 9:00...