新关注 > 信息聚合 > 井柏然调侃“闺蜜也是个圈”(图)


Jing Boran ridicule "girlfriends is a circle (Figure)

2015-08-04 05:18:34来源: 中工网

本报讯(记者 肖扬)昨日,井柏然与导演陈国辉、倪妮等为《新娘大作战》亮相,浪漫喜剧《新娘大作战》将于8月20日上映。 结婚本来是一个女生最闪耀的时刻,不想却成为破坏闺蜜的重磅炸弹,因婚庆公司的失误,倪妮和杨颖的婚礼只被预订成功一场。为了拥有完美婚礼,两个人展开了“斗脸斗胸斗幸福,拼钱...

report from our correspondent (reporter Xiao Yang) yesterday, Jing Boran and director Chen Guohui, Ni Ni and the Bride Wars debut, romantic comedy The Bride Wars will be on August 20 release. Originally, marriage is a girl, the most shining moment, don't want to became girlfriends destruction blockbuster, wedding company because of mistakes, Ni Ni and angelababy wedding just booked a success. In order to have a perfect wedding, the two people launched a bucket face bucket chest bucket happiness, fight money...