新关注 > 信息聚合 > 詹姆斯:推教练布拉特是为了“保护”他


James: push coach Sepp Blatter is to 14, "protection" he

2015-01-15 17:38:33来源: 华体网

华盛顿1月14日体育专电(记者李博闻)日前詹姆斯推搡骑士主教练布拉特的一幕被媒体逮到,事后詹姆斯解释道,他是在保护教练避免吃到技术犯规。 在骑士输给太阳的比赛上半场,布拉特因为不满裁判对詹姆斯的...

Washington January sports news (reporter Li Bowen) recently pushed James Knight coach Sepp Blatter's scene being caught by the media, afterwards James explained, he is avoid to eat technical fouls in the protection of coaches. In the first half of the game against the Suns, Blatter was dissatisfied with the judgment of the referee to James...