新关注 > 信息聚合 > 马修斯称从未收到开拓者报价:我没有得到尊重


Matthews said that he had never received pioneer offer: I didn't get the respect

2015-07-31 02:09:01来源: 新浪

马修斯称今夏未收到开拓者报价 新浪体育讯 北京时间7月31日,据《俄勒冈人》报道,今年夏天,开拓者队一下子走了四名首发球员,韦斯利-马修斯就是其中之一。据马修斯透露,开拓者队在今夏根本就没有展现出留他的诚意,这让他感到很生气。 上赛季,马修斯一共代表开拓者队出场60次,场均得到1...

said this summer has not received the pioneer offer of sina sports news Beijing time on July 31, according to the Oregonian reported this summer, the Blazers all of a sudden go four starters, Wei Wesley Matthews is one of them. According to Mathews revealed that the pioneers in the summer did not show any of his sincerity, which made him feel very angry. Last season, Mathews, a total of 60 times on behalf of the pioneer team, averaging 1...