新关注 > 信息聚合 > 江汉区非遗文化节赛煨汤 138人操场上煨排骨藕汤

江汉区非遗文化节赛煨汤 138人操场上煨排骨藕汤

Jianghan District Cultural Heritage Festival season simmer soup 138 playground simmer lotus root pork ribs soup

2015-06-12 02:43:25来源: 荆楚网

湖北日报讯 (记者江萌、通讯员朱素芳、姚纯)上百人围着球场同时生炉子煨排骨藕汤,整个足球场都飘散着香味。昨日,江汉区第二届“非遗文化节”开幕式暨百姓煨汤擂舞台赛在汉口文体中心举行。该区138名民间厨艺高手现场PK煨汤技艺(如图),是江城史上最大规模的煨汤赛。 煨汤技艺是江汉区的省级非...

Hubei Daily News (reporter Jiang Meng, communications officer Zhu Sufang, Yao Chun hundreds of people around the stadium and the stove simmer lotus root pork ribs soup, the length of a football field are released into the air with fragrance. Yesterday, Jianghan District second "non Heritage Festival" opening ceremony and a stage people simmer soup race held in Hankou sports center. The 138 folk cooking master PK soup (pictured), art Jiangcheng is the largest in the history of the soup match. Simmer soup craft is the provincial non Jianghan district...