新关注 > 信息聚合 > 暗访德州夏津超载“校车” 核载24人拉载115名学生

暗访德州夏津超载“校车” 核载24人拉载115名学生

Make unannounced visits to Dezhou Xiajin overload "school bus" nuclear load 24 people pull a load of 115 students

2014-10-31 21:05:06来源: 人民网

核载24人载学生115名(视屏截图) 客车私自改装(视频截图) 齐鲁网济南10月31日讯 29号,夏津县银城镇一小学门前客车严重超载的新闻被曝光,当天晚上,当地警方立即采取措施查处了违规车辆。 据前期报道,夏津县银城镇一所小学门前,客车严重超载,核定24人的车辆,竟然塞进去了...

nuclear load 24 people carrying 115 students (screen shots) bus without modification (video) Qilu net Ji'nan on October 31st news No. 29, serious overload Xiajin County town primary school in front of Silver Bus news exposure, that night, the local police to take immediate measures to investigate and deal with the illegal vehicle. According to previous reports, a primary school in Xiajin County town in front of silver, seriously overloaded buses, 24 authorized vehicles, had tucked in...