新关注 > 信息聚合 > 综述:港媒痛批电竞女主播 苹果涉足虚拟现实

综述:港媒痛批电竞女主播 苹果涉足虚拟现实

Summary: Hong Kong media lambasting the eSports anchorwoman apple made virtual reality

2015-02-21 01:52:53来源: 17173

“电竞女王” Miss韩懿莹正式签约一家电竞直播平台,获得大约1700万元签约费。上周,港媒对女主播或高收入的现象进行了评论: “互联网,得屌丝者得天下。对于那些痴恋网游的宅男来说,他们舍得为沉...

"eSports Queen" Miss Han Yiying formally signed a household appliances competitive broadcast platform, get about 17000000 yuan contract fee. Last week, Hong Kong media made a comment on female anchor or high income phenomenon: "the Internet, have gigantic loser who have the world. For those spoons online games Indoorsman, they are willing to sink...

标签: 主播 电竞