新关注 > 信息聚合 > 韩国队东亚杯23人名单:中超3将 无旅欧球员

韩国队东亚杯23人名单:中超3将 无旅欧球员

South Korea East Asian Cup 23 man squad: Super 3 will be no players in Europe

2015-07-20 17:25:00来源: 新浪

金英权领衔韩国队50人大名单 新浪体育讯 7月20日,韩国足协公布了男足国家队参加2015东亚杯的23人大名单,没有召入在欧洲联赛踢球的球员。共有3名来自中超的球员入围。 7月11日,东亚足...

Kim eng headed south korea 50 people to list of sina sports dispatch on July 20, the Korea Football Association announced the national soccer team to the 2015 Asian Cup list of 23 National People's Congress, did not call into play in the Europa League players. A total of 3 players from the super finalists. July 11th, East asia...