新关注 > 信息聚合 > 站外坐大巴既没车票也没保险 双节期间杭州将严查..

站外坐大巴既没车票也没保险 双节期间杭州将严查..

Outside the station to take the bus is not ticket insurance did not double period Hangzhou will prosecute the..

2015-09-24 23:04:13来源: 浙江在线

【摘要】 中秋国庆将至,杭州运管部门预计十一期间杭州汽车客运将发送旅客达61.68万人,爆棚的客流也吸引了拉客黄牛的注意,杭州运管在节前将联合多部门进行清理整顿工作。 浙江在线杭州9月24日讯(...

[Abstract] mid autumn day is approaching, Hangzhou transport sector is expected during the 11 Hangzhou passenger car will send up to 61.68 million passengers, the bursting of the passenger flow has also attracted notice soliciting cattle, Hangzhou transport before the Department of rectification work. Zhejiang online Hangzhou September 24th (...