新关注 > 信息聚合 > 孔特拉:主场不赢因运气不佳 调心态争亚冠资格

孔特拉:主场不赢因运气不佳 调心态争亚冠资格

CONTRA: don't win the home court for bad luck for the qualification

2015-05-01 23:17:06来源: 华体网

哈默德假摔染黄 辽足悍将飞奔救空门救主 北京时间5月1日19:30,广州富力队在主场广州大学城中心体育场0-0被辽宁宏远队逼平,虽然在90分钟比赛里广州富力队制造了很多门前的绝对机会,但是非常遗...

Hammond dived yellow players flew to save Kongmen Liaozu savior 19:30 Beijing time on May 1st, Guangzhou R & F team in the home court for Guangzhou University City stadium 0-0 Liaoning Hongyuan team draw, although in the 90 minutes of the match in Guangzhou R & F team created many opportunities in front of the absolute but, very...