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烟台风景哪里美 全城“丝袜”在万达

The "Yantai landscape where beauty silk stockings" in Wan Da

2015-03-25 17:14:11来源: 水母网

水母网3月25日讯 (记者 万达)春暖花开,丝袜满街。花开时节,人心躁动。满城都是钱袋子,你们何处去?答案放在今日之前,我们须得把目光投向南大街和南洪街,两个“南南”组合几乎把整座城市的钱包用光,也...

network March 25th news (reporter Wan Da) spring, silk street. Flowers in bloom, the mind restless. The purse City, where are you going? The answer on the day before, we must look to the South Street and South Hong Jie, two "south south" combination of almost the whole city wallet with light, too...