新关注 > 信息聚合 > 案例九:一次性餐具费 事前明示也不能收

案例九:一次性餐具费 事前明示也不能收

Case nine: disposable tableware fee prior express also cannot receive the

2015-03-14 22:34:23来源: 南海网

【案情简述】2月10日消费者杨先生来电投诉位于三亚市外贸路某饺子馆以事先告知为由强制收取一次性餐具费1元/人,共计8元。现与商家协商遭拒,请求工商部门协助处理。 【调解结果】经三亚东方工商所工作...

[brief case] February 10th consumer Mr. Yang calls of complaints is located in the city of Sanya foreign trade road a museum dumplings mandatory collection of disposable tableware fee 1 yuan / person to inform in advance on the grounds, a total of 8 yuan. In consultation with the merchants refused now, the business sector to assist in handling the request. [results] the mediation by the Sanya Oriental and commercial work...