新关注 > 信息聚合 > 你是我的姐妹电视剧全集剧情介绍1-42集大结局


You are my sister complete drama plot introduced 1-42 finale

2015-07-05 23:26:33来源: 大众网

你是我的姐妹第39集剧情 安静窃取蒋大伟的商业机密 安静乘蒋大伟熟睡偷偷拿走他的手机,然后叫来安乐解开了蒋大伟手机的密码锁。安静把他手机上石天明做的投标方案复制交给了宋扬,宋扬知道了盛世的标的1亿8千万。但安静告诉他这块地对蒋大伟有其他意义,他志在必得,甚至愿意出到4个亿。原来在...

you is my sister the 39 episodes of the story quiet steal Jiang Dawei trade secrets quiet by Jiang Dawei sleeping secretly took his cell phone, then called easy to untie the Da Wei Jiang phone password lock. Quiet the bidding scheme he made mobile phone upper dawn copy to Song Yang, Song Yang know the spirit of the subject of 100000000 8 ten million. But quietly told him that the land of Jiang Dawei has other meaning, he is willing to have, and even willing to give up to 4 hundred million. Originally in...