新关注 > 信息聚合 > 北京市教委公布各区县入学咨询电话


Beijing Municipal Education Commission, announced the county school advisory telephone

2015-06-01 15:36:18来源: 千龙

原标题:市教委公布各区县入学咨询电话 根据2015年义务教育阶段入学工作时间安排,小学入学信息集中采集于5月31日结束。 截至5月31日24时,全市共159766名儿童进行了信息采集,其中京籍99673人,非京籍60093人。今年非京籍儿童占入学总人数的37.6%。去年同期,共1...

original title: the City Board of Education announced the advisory telephone county school according to the arrangement of the 2015 year compulsory education stage school work time, primary school enrollment information from collected from 31 may end. As of May 31st 24, the city's total of 159766 children of information collection, which by 99673 people, 60093 people of non beijing. This non Beijing Ji children accounted for the total number of enrollment of 37.6%. Last year, a total of 1...