新关注 > 信息聚合 > 港媒:《权力的游戏》为何在华受欢迎? 重温历史!

港媒:《权力的游戏》为何在华受欢迎? 重温历史!

Hong Kong media: "Game of Thrones" Why popular in China? Relive history!

2016-04-27 06:26:57来源: 环球网

香港亚洲时报在线4月25日文章,原题:中国人为何爱看美剧《权力的游戏》 2014年,当美剧《权力的游戏》第一季在中国播出时,观众们的反应非常热烈。但他们看到的是不同于世界其他地方的版本,经过大幅度剪...

Hong Kong Asia Times Online April 25 article, the original question: Why do Chinese people like to watch American TV series "Game of Thrones" in 2014, when the US drama "Game of Thrones' first season aired in China, the audience response was very enthusiastic. But they see is different from other parts of the world version, after a substantial cut ...

标签: 游戏