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Galaxy Note 7最靠谱传闻汇总:6GB内存和双曲面屏

Galaxy Note 7 most on rumours summary: 6 gb of memory and hyperboloid screen

2016-06-21 19:13:14来源: 牛华网

导语:前段时间,有传闻称,三星今年将会跳过数字“6”,直接对外发布Galaxy Note 7智能手机。三星Galaxy Note 7可能是2016年最大的智能手机之一,非常令人期待。今天,我们将会为...

Guide language: some time ago, there are rumours that, samsung will skip the number "6", this year will be released to the Galaxy Note 7 smartphone directly. Samsung Galaxy Note 7 is likely to be one of the largest smartphone 2016, very exciting. Today, we will be...