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技术不如张稀哲? 狼堡核心秀任意球打脸邵佳一

Technology than Zhang Xizhe? The Wolf fort core show face Shao Jiayi free kick

2014-12-18 07:45:46来源: 华体网

高清图:多特双锋霸激情相拥 狼堡飞翼击掌相庆 北京时间12月18日凌晨,2014-15赛季的德甲第16轮的一场重头戏,联赛排名第二的沃尔夫斯堡客场2-2战平本赛季表现不佳的多特蒙德,随着张稀哲正...

HD photo: dott double front PA passion embrace the Wolf fort wing clapping celebrate Beijing time on December 18th morning, a big game sixteenth in the Bundesliga round of the 2014-15 season, and finished second in the league this season, Wolfsburg 2-2 away draw with the poor performance of Dortmund, with Zhang Xizhe...