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《花千骨》播放登榜首 赵丽颖变身冷冽睡美人(图)

"Flower thousands of bone" playing board top Zhao Liying turned chilly Sleeping Beauty (Figure)

2015-08-20 23:11:59来源: 广西新闻网

搜狐娱乐讯 由慈文传媒集团出品,唐丽君担任制片人,导演林玉芬、高林豹执导,霍建华、赵丽颖等超强阵容连袂出演的传奇仙侠大剧《花千骨》正在湖南卫视每周日、周一晚22点热播中。据Vinkage统计,截至8...

Sohu Entertainment News produced by Chee Wen media group, Tang Lijun served as producer, director Yufen Lin, Gao Linbao directed, Wallace, Zhao Liying, super team both starred in the legendary Xian Xia big drama "spend thousands of bone" is Hunan Satellite TV every Sunday and Monday night 22 points hit. According to Vinkage statistics, as of 8...