新关注 > 信息聚合 > 冯仑:解决中低收入群体住房问题,众筹是有效方案


Feng Lun: to solve the housing problem of low-income groups, all the chips is an effective program

2016-03-20 01:58:55来源: 搜狐

日前,在北京举行的“2016第二届中国房地产众筹联盟峰会”上,中国房地产业协会会长刘志峰对在场的《第一财经日报》等媒体记者透露,截至2015年底,我国房地产众筹平台达到20家,共有156个项目实施,累计众筹资金20亿元。 去年万科绿地、万通、碧桂园、 相关公司股票走势 万科A ...

Recently, held in Beijing to raise 2016 the second session of the China public real estate Union summit on, Liu Zhifeng, President of the Chinese real estate industry associations on the presence of the "First Financial Daily" and other media reporters revealed that as of the end of 2015, China's real estate public raised platform reached 20, a total of 156 projects implementation, a total of all funds raised to 20 billion yuan. Vanke green land last year, Wan Tong, country garden, Related Companies stock movements Vanke A...

标签: 众筹