新关注 > 信息聚合 > 金华浦江民宅大火一老太丧生 或因电热毯惹祸

金华浦江民宅大火一老太丧生 或因电热毯惹祸

Jinhua Pujiang residential fires a granny died or because of trouble

2015-02-19 18:24:42来源: 浙江在线

【摘要】 今天凌晨2点40分左右,金华浦江中余乡中余村其杆园丁区19号一处老式两层楼住宅发生火灾,一名85岁的老太太未能在火灾中生还。记者从管辖的浦江平湖派出所获悉,起火原因可能系死者睡觉时使用电热...

[Abstract] this morning about two forty, Jinhua Pujiang Yu Xiang Zhong Yu Cun the bar District No. 19 an old gardener two storey residential fires, a 85 year old woman who failed to survive the fire. Reporters from the jurisdiction of the Pujiang Pinghu police station was informed, the cause of the Fire Department of the deceased may use electric sleep...