新关注 > 信息聚合 > 【玩家投稿】蜜蜂联盟攻略——各蜜蜂技能获得条件


[internationally submission] bees union Raiders, bee skill acquisition conditions

2015-03-26 20:56:33来源: 4399

在蜜蜂联盟(ee Alliance)中蜜蜂的技能是通过完成NPC指挥官的“任务”而获得。获得技能后蜜蜂战斗力将大大提高,同时外形也会发生一些改变(变得更帅)。值得大家花时间去完成这些任务。 ┃下面...

skills in bees (EE alliance) alliance in bees is gained by commander NPC "mission accomplished". After the skills of the bee fighting force will greatly improve, while the shape will also occur some changes (more handsome). It is worth taking the time to accomplish the tasks.. Seen here...