新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中端玩家首选 铭瑄R7 260X终结者京东报低价

中端玩家首选 铭瑄R7 260X终结者京东报低价

In the end game player preferred R7 MAXSUN 260X terminator Jingdong reported low

2014-09-01 19:24:02来源: 中关村在线

R7 260X可谓现在千元内炙手可热的A卡之一,也让众多厂商推出了各式各样的非公版产品。而近日铭瑄R7 260X终结者也在京东商城进行特价回馈用户,售价仅为689元。该卡采用非公版设计,搭载1GB/128bit高速0.4ns GDDR5显存,拥有5相供电设计,显卡默认频率便高达1000/...

R7 260X is now a thousand dollars in hot A card, also let many manufacturers launched a non-public version of every kind of product. And recently R7 MAXSUN 260X terminator in Jingdong mall special user feedback, the price was only 689 yuan. The card uses private version of the design, with 1GB/128bit high speed 0.4ns GDDR5 memory, with 5 phase power supply design, graphics default frequency is up to 1000/...

标签: 玩家 京东