新关注 > 信息聚合 > 谭维维默认与台星陈亦飞热恋:我不小了 很幸福

谭维维默认与台星陈亦飞热恋:我不小了 很幸福

Sitar Tan default and Star Tai Chen Yifei love: I'm not very happy bright

2015-03-20 14:19:06来源: 光明网

谭维维和陈亦飞 网易娱乐3月20日报道“酷音乐亚洲盛典”将亮相北京万事达中心。发布会现场,正忙于参加《我是歌手》的谭维维现身助阵,并大方回应与台湾男星陈亦飞恋情,称现在很幸福,“我也不小了,现在挺...

Sitar Tan and Chen Yifei Netease Entertainment reported on March 20 "cool music Asia Festival" will debut in Beijing MasterCard center. Conference at the scene, is busy in "I am a singer, Tan Weiwei's coming to help out, and generous response and Taiwan actor Chen Yi Fei love, said very happy now," I is not small, now quite...