新关注 > 信息聚合 > QHD屏 传三星Galaxy S6 Edge Plus搭载骁龙808芯

QHD屏 传三星Galaxy S6 Edge Plus搭载骁龙808芯

QHD screen pass Samsung Galaxy S6 edge plus equipped with snapdragon 808 core

2015-07-09 03:03:48来源: dospy智能手机网

我们知道,三星公司正在筹备旗下2款新机,它们分别是三星Galaxy S6 Edge Plus和三星Galaxy Note 5。 Dospy获悉,三星Galaxy Note 5和三星Galaxy S...

we know that SamSung company is preparing for its two new machine, they respectively are Samsung Galaxy S6 edge plus and Samsung Galaxy note 5. Dospy was informed that the Samsung Note Galaxy 5 and Samsung S Galaxy...

标签: 三星