新关注 > 信息聚合 > 团中央机关召开“团干部如何健康成长”大讨论活..


The League Central authorities held a "group cadre how to grow up healthy" big discussion live..

2015-02-11 05:47:40来源: 中国青年报

本报讯(记者李立红)2月9日下午,团中央机关召开“团干部如何健康成长”大讨论活动总结交流会。团中央书记处第一书记秦宜智出席会议并讲话。 秦宜智强调,2014年对共青团来说是令人难忘的。这一年,习...

report from our correspondent (reporter Li Lihong) the afternoon of February 9th, the central authorities held a "group group cadre how to grow up healthy" big discussion activity summary exchange. Group Central Secretariat first secretary Qin Yizhi attended the meeting and made a speech. Qin Yizhi emphasizes, 2014 is unforgettable for the Communist Youth league. This year, xi...