新关注 > 信息聚合 > 青岛:悦达起亚秀尔降价促销 购车优惠2.2万

青岛:悦达起亚秀尔降价促销 购车优惠2.2万

Qingdao: Hu KIA shor depreciate sales promotion preferential purchase a car 22000

2015-02-13 17:12:44来源: 中国新闻网

近日,编辑从东风悦达起亚青岛经销商了解到,购买秀尔最高可优惠2.2万元。感兴趣的朋友不妨关注一下。详情请见下表: 秀尔最新价格变化表 车型指导价(万元)现价(万元)优惠幅度优惠比例 秀尔201...

recently, editors from Qingdao Dongfeng Yueda KIA dealers to understand, the purchase of Shor maximum 22000 yuan discount. Interested friends may wish to look at. For details, please refer to the following table: show me the latest price change table model guidance price (million) price (yuan) discount rate discount ratio show Er 201...