新关注 > 信息聚合 > 两会速递:平度一中校长刘晟谈好学生"新概念"


NPC and CPPCC express: Pingdu a principal Liu Sheng about good student "new concept"

2015-02-14 22:35:16来源: 半岛网

半岛网2月14日消息 在传统观念中,社会对于好学生的认知仅仅局限于学习成绩好的学生,但是,青岛市政协委员、平度一中校长刘晟却不这样认为。“只要身心健康发展好的学生就是好学生。”刘晟在接受记者采访时表...

Peninsula Network February 14th news in traditional concept, social cognition for good students is only confined to students with good academic performance, however, a member of the CPPCC Qingdao, Pingdu one president Liu Sheng did not think so. "As long as the physical and mental development of students good is a good student." Liu Sheng when accepting a reporter to interview list...