新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《孙老倔的幸福》将播 李幼斌变身“咆哮帝”

《孙老倔的幸福》将播 李幼斌变身“咆哮帝”

"Sunlao stubborn happiness" will be broadcast Li Youbin turned "roar emperor"

2015-04-27 23:22:47来源: 中国青年网

现场合影 李幼斌 腾讯娱乐讯(文/周萌)由李幼斌领衔主演的家庭话题轻喜剧《孙老倔的幸福》将于5月3日登陆黑龙江、广东卫视以及腾讯视频。4月27日,该剧在京举办了开播发布会,李幼斌、朱茵、梁丹妮...

scene photo Li Youbin Tencent entertainment news (by Zhou Meng) by Li Youbin starred in the family comedy "topic sunlao stubborn happiness" will be landing in Heilongjiang, Guangdong and Tencent TV video on May 3rd. In April 27th, the show was held in Beijing, Li Youbin launch conference, Athena Chu, Liang Danni...