新关注 > 信息聚合 > 伊顿风尚:孩子穿着舒服才算是好童装的硬指标


Eaton fashion: children wearing is comfortable is good wear hard index

2015-05-07 16:11:36来源: 东方财富网

现如今,越来越多的家长更加重视孩子成长过程中的教育与品味的培养,也就是为什么现在培养一个孩子的成本越来越高。童装在中国市场还没被完全的开发,它具有很大的潜力。那么,童装 品牌该如何选择,这也是一门很...

now now, more and more parents more attention to training children to grow up in the process of education and the taste of, is why now training a child cost more and more high. Children's wear in the Chinese market has not been completely developed, it has great potential. So, children's wear brand how to choose, this is also a very...