新关注 > 信息聚合 > 郎平:关键时刻一定要破釜沉舟 我运气比较好!

郎平:关键时刻一定要破釜沉舟 我运气比较好!

Lang Ping: the key moment I must cut off all means of retreat good luck!

2015-09-05 19:32:11来源: 新浪

袁心玥今天再次成为奇兵 新浪体育讯 北京时间9月5日消息,2015年女排世界杯结束了第十轮的争夺,中国女排3比1战胜俄罗斯女排拿下关键胜利。中国女排距离世界杯冠军和奥运门票更近一步,明天如果能拿...

yuan Yue heart today once again become the Raiders sina sports news Beijing standard time on September 5, news, 2015 women's Volleyball World Cup ended in the 10th round of the competition, the Chinese women's volleyball team 3 than 1 beat Russian women's volleyball team took the key to victory. Chinese women's volleyball team from the world cup champion and Olympic tickets more step, if you can take tomorrow...