新关注 > 信息聚合 > 西泠印社继任社长马衡


Xiling Seal society succeeds to the office of President Ma Heng

2015-07-15 14:45:27来源: 新浪

■ 凡将斋藏碑 ■ 圆台印社 ◆ 韩天衡 张炜羽 以“保存金石,研究印学”为 主旨的西泠印社,是一个蜚声海内外的金石篆刻研究学术团体。社长一职,举足轻重,备受社会各界瞩目。自1927年缶翁...

exergy where Zhai Cang Bei - cone printed News Agency] Han Tianheng Zhang Weiyu to save Jin Shi and seal of learning "for purpose of Xiling Seal society, is a renowned at home and abroad of the stone carving of the academic research groups. President, a pivotal, highly social attention. Since 1927, fou weng...