新关注 > 信息聚合 > 迎“五四”福建南平警团共建拉练 不忘敬老慰问

迎“五四”福建南平警团共建拉练 不忘敬老慰问

Welcome the "May 4th" Fujian Nanping police corporations to build zipper did not forget the elderly condolences

2015-04-30 20:59:52来源: 大河网

福建闽北松溪县武警中队官兵与团干们在“青春与使命同行·团旗为党旗添彩”签名。(央广网发 施毛毛 摄) 央广网福州4月30日消息(记者葛朝兴 通讯员施毛毛 徐梦琳)日前,为迎接“五四”青年节的到来...

Fujian north Fujian Songxi County squadron of armed police officers and soldiers and cadres are in the youth with a mission counterparts, regimental flag luster "signature. (CNR Shi Maomao photo) CNR net Fuzhou on April 30, news (reporter correspondent Shi Maomao Xu Menglin) recently, to welcome the arrival of the "May 4th" youth day.