新关注 > 信息聚合 > 急性脱髓鞘性脑脊髓炎罕见类型:急性出血性白质..


Acute demyelinating brain myelitis rare types: acute bleeding of white matter..

2015-04-13 22:18:51来源: 丁香园

赫斯特病又称急性出血性白质脑炎,是急性脱髓鞘性脑脊髓炎的一种罕见类型,呈暴发性和致命性。近日,AJNR杂志刊登了如下一则病例报道。 患者男性,42岁,头痛伴视物模糊,后突然出现嗜睡和右侧偏瘫。 ...

Hurst disease also called acute hemorrhagic encephalitis white matter, is a rare type of acute demyelinating encephalomyelitis, a fulminant and fatal. Recently, AJNR magazine published the following case report. The patient was 42 years old, with a headache with blurred vision and a sudden appearance of drowsiness and right side hemiplegia. ...