新关注 > 信息聚合 > 除菌养鲜双管齐下 海信冰箱为年货保鲜

除菌养鲜双管齐下 海信冰箱为年货保鲜

Sterilization preservation work along both lines Hisense refrigerator for special purchases for the Spring Festival preservation

2015-01-22 19:14:18来源: 中关村在线

转眼已近年底,年货采购成为不少人手头上的大事。蔬菜、水果、肉类、海鲜……无论品种还是数量都给冰箱保鲜能力提出了巨大的挑战。记者从市场上了解到,各大冰箱企业都在年底促销中主推杀菌、保鲜冰箱。而在众多产品中,搭载双离子除菌养鲜系统的海信倍多分十字对开门冰箱受到市场热捧。 据海信相关负责人...

had gone near the end of the year, special purchases for the Spring Festival purchase as many people on hand at the event. Vegetables, fruits, meat, seafood...... Both variety and quantity are presented a huge challenge the refrigerator capacity. Reporters learned from the market, the large refrigerator enterprises are all in the end promotions in the main push sterilization, fresh-keeping refrigerator. In many products, equipped with dual ion sterilization preservation system Hisense times more points cross on the refrigerator door open Repeng by market. According to the relevant person in charge of Hisense...